Material cut from the end of
The Sea Magician
...Doc Savage glanced upward. The clouds had cleared
away, except for the west, where they lay thick still.
They might have been an omen, those clouds in the west, for it was there
that peril was to again find the bronze man. In New York, even now, there
brewed a profound mystery, and soon a man was to drop dead, with no mark
upon his body, but with his eyes protruding horribly; others would die,
men of high and low station, until the greatest metropolis of the world
would go mad with terror.
The Annihilist, men came to call the power. And in fighting the
sinister thing, Doc Savage was to uncover untold danger and a plot utterly
fiendish in conception.
Battling The Annihilist, Doc Savage and his men were to encounter
opposition such as they had never before experienced. It was as if they
fought the eerie, the supernatural, the impossible.
Monk, standing in the middle of the treasure of
King John, grinned widely and started to yawn. His big mouth froze suddenly
in midstretch...
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