The Spider Ring

Originally offered to pulp readers for 25 cents in coin or stamp, Popular Publication's Spider ring is one of the most sought after premiums today! Less than 20 are known to exist.

Good $2000 | Fine $4750 | Near Mint $9000 (Hake's premiums price guide)

In 1996, Diamond Galleries offered a 250-copy limited edition reproduction (in gold) of the Spider and Operator #5 rings. $50 a piece/$95 for the set.

RIGHT NOW you can download an official FREE paper Spider Ring! It is a tribute to the metal original, as well as paper premiums from the 1930s and '40s. It's also the best we can do over the existing phone lines. First download the Adobe Acrobat Reader, and follow its instructions on configuring your web browser to identify PDF files. Then download the Spider Ring page (106k), print it on your laser printer, and assemble. It's a small taste of the The Spider Kit, available at Pulp Fiction Central.

NOTE: Contrary to popular belief, the Spider did not leave his Spider Seal by punching bad guys with the ring (that was the Phantom with his Skull Ring!), he had a specially built cigarette lighter to mark his victims.

The Spider Ring QuickTimeVR

Want a better look? Now you can pan 360 degrees around Diamond Galleries' reproduction of the Spider Ring, with this QuickTime VR movie! Also allows 60 degrees of vertical panning! Very cool, but be warned: It's an 777k download!

Spider Ring QuickTimeVR page. QTVR object embedded in an html page, with additional text about the Spider Ring phenomenon. Requires QuickTime 2.5 and Plug-In (with QTVR components).

Spider Ring QuickTimeVR File (777k), for viewing offline. Requires QuickTimeVR Player.

The Spider Pencil

Rare celluloid mechanical pencil with rubber eraser of The Spider seal, circa 1942. Produced in very limited quantity. Pencils were made as they were ordered, so there are no remainders -- no "warehouse finds" as with other character premiums.

Good $200 | Fine $1000
Near Mint $2000
(Hake's premiums price guide)

Pulp magazine ad appears below.

The Spider's Web Serial Club Membership Card

Theater give-away. Have your card punched when you see the first fourteen chapters and admission to the final chapter is free. Or, don't have your card punched at all, and end up with a valuable collectible sixty years later. The Spider Returns pressbook indicates that theaters also gave away Spider masks, but no examples have turned up, to my knowledge.

Good $50 | Fine $125 |
Near Mint $200
(Hake's premiums price guide)


Designed by Chris Kalb,

The Spider TM & Copyright 1997 Argosy Communications, Inc.